To download the registration form click Registration. WHERE: North West Metropolitan TAFE, Training Room A346, Cnr Richmond and Oxford Sts, Leederville WHEN: Friday 26th February, 2021 8.45am (9am start) to 4.30pm Emotional Freedom Techniques Thought Field Therapy Training Certification, EFT, human, arm, electric Blue png PNG tags PNG info Online resize png License. Callahan, PhD, TFT Training Center, Indian Wells, CA. WHO: Christopher Semmens, clinical psychologist A Thought Field Therapy (TFT) Algorithm for Trauma by Roger J. To be able to relate current understanding and hypotheses about the possible mechanisms of action involved in TFT tapping.For participants to be able to assess a client in a way that is likely to lead to the successful implementation of a TFT tapping intervention within a TICP model.To acquire a familiarity with the implementation of the technique.To understand the developments leading to the trauma-informed care & practice model of service delivery & the origins of the TFT tapping technique.This workshop will provide those working with mental health clientele with the opportunity: The emergence of the term “psychophysiological disorders” (PPD) and a change of the descriptor for some gastroenterological conditions from functional disorders to “disorders of gut-brain interaction” (DGBI) testify to a paradigm shift being underway. Recent developments signal a greater recognition of “person” factors in certain medical conditions.

Trauma-informed care & practice (TICP) is a framework for the provision of services for mental health clients that originated in the early 1990s. SPSW is pleased to present this workshop, Thought Field Therapy Tapping, by Christopher Semmens, a clinical psychologist with 23 years private practice experience.